Hey girlies! I hope everyone is having and awesome Friday! So I am very sad to say that this will be my second to last post in my back to school series! It has been a good month in a half since school started for me and I just want to end this series so I can start a new one!
So here I have a list full of tips to help you get and stay organized in school!
Just now looking back on my 8th grade year I notice that I was completely disorganized. Now I did at some point try to get organized but sooner or later I stopped caring again. So this year being my freshman year I decided that I'm really going to get organized! And it has been a good month and I have bern doing pretty good so I want to share with you what I did.
1. Daily rountine- this just means you need to set up a morning and night routine. For instance I do my homework at 8 o clock EVERYNIGHT! 8:30 I set out the next days outfit EVERYNIGHT 9:00 I do chores shower at 9:30 EVERYNIGHT and I'm in bed by 10:00 EVERYNIGHT! giving me at least 6-7 hours of sleep (which you will need) The reason i say evernight so much is because if you go even one day without following a routine you forget and your back a step 1! That is a routine when you do things at specific time and order that shows togetherness. When you do something at least three times it becomes a habit!
1. When to start- If you're going to try to get organized your going to need to start off fresh! For me I started well before I started school by getting the proper supplies and getting mentally ready. Now I'm not saying you can't start this process late (like 4 months into school) but I know it was very hard to stop my bad habits (since they already formed)
2. Locker- I feel that this is the perfect place to start! Your locker is your home away from home. So go to a office depot or staples you will be able to find magnetic bins and other locker organization items! With the bins you can store extra pens and pencils so you never run out at school! Also you can even decorate you locker with magnetic deco. Not only does it add a girly touch to your plain old locker but it makes it YOUR locker for the time being! Also when you put binders notebooks and textbooks in your locker prder them I'm the same order as your class schedule that way you can just grab and go
3. Labeling- label label label!! Everything! You can either get a electronic labeler or whip out your sharpie and place the name of the class on the binder so you can tell binders apart but if you want to use that same binder next school year just write class names on a piece of paper and tape them down!
4. Color Code binder- get different colored binders so if labeling and placing things the right way fails you'll always know the binder by its color! For EXAMPLE RED= Physical science BLUE=SOCIAL STUDIES BLACK = ALGEBRA and to prevent you from forgetting write all the color binders and the class they go to on an index card and tape it down inside of you locker.
5. Color Code notes- I love colorful notes not only does it show you pay attention but it shows your ready to learn about the distributive property just a little more that usual! Like when your copying definitions write each word in a different color. But highlight the word itself with a highlighter. Dont be a stranger to colorful ink pens!!
6. Binders over notebooks- notebooks are so last year! They get really messy. Now binders are more organized get binder dividers loose leaf paper and there is your new notebokk but amplified!
7. Planner- why not keep a planner! This makes my life so simple and stress free! I suggest getting a five star planner or a mead on they have cute designs and they are recommended for teens. Keep track of when you have an assignment due when a test is coming up when you do and dont have school!
Well that is all I have for you!
Please comment if you think I missed something!
Now that I have your attention!
Go follow me on....
Twitter: Kyla_Monique
Instagram: firstnamekylalastnamethug_
Pinterest: Kylamonique